At South Four Soccer, it is our belief that the benefits of encouraging young players to grow together as a team are as important as focusing on individual player development. Player progression to higher level teams and clubs will always be supported (and recommended when identified), but must be driven by the individual players and their desire for advancement, not the club and team coaches alone. Though we believe that it is important for players to be challenged, and we will encourage our coaches to honestly identify and promote individual talent, players will not typically be moved to new teams, season by season, other than by request of the player.
All South Four CMSA teams(U7 to U19) will be given a Coach-led 60 to 75 minute practice per week. Additional practice times may be available, at additional costs. No additional cost for the outdoor season.
Technical training by South Four staff is available to all teams, by request, at an additional cost.
Teams at South Four Soccer are independently coached and managed. New players beginning at South Four Soccer will be assigned to team practices and technical training sessions with the appropriate age and skill levels for evaluation purposes. Player placement at South Four Soccer is not guaranteed. Player placement decisions will be made by team Head Coaches, under advisement of the club technical team. The club will make every effort to inform players on competitive teams of their team placement prior to the team entry deadline, although this may not always be possible. In the event of disagreements or appeals over team placements, the club Technical Committee reserves the right to have the final determination on player placements.
Our goal is to ensure that all players are placed within a team that they both desire to be a part of and that is commensurate with their playing abilities.
First year competitive teams will be grouped together based on like skill level. Players will be evaluated by the club technical team and player placements will be determined by the club Technical Committee.